Terms and Conditions

1. ONLINE booking

The person making the reservation must be over 18 years of age and is responsible for following all the steps of the online reservation system, making sure that all the information provided is correct and complete, and making the payment in full.


Once the contract with ARTURO MOLINA SÁNCHEZ has been formalized, the company will carry out all the necessary procedures to organize the requested services.


The contract will be binding on the parties only when you receive your proof of transfer by email. In the event that the transport operator cannot provide the requested service, the client will be informed, leaving the transport operator and the company released from any other obligation towards the client.


The customer must confirm receipt of our notifications. In the event of not receiving confirmation of receipt of the email, the records stored on our mail server will be considered sufficient proof of receipt.


You will need to print and have the booking vouchers ready to present to the transport operator so that the driver can review them. If the holder of the reservation does not present the voucher, it is possible that the transport operator does not provide the service. We recommend that you print and take with you all communications with the company in addition to the transfer receipt.


It is expressly prohibited for minors to request services from the company, and their parents, guardians or legal guardians must contact us immediately in the event that a minor has booked a service with us to proceed with its cancellation. Minors must always travel in the company of an adult passenger.

2. Payment

We accept the most widespread means of payment, such as credit cards (American Express, MasterCard/Diners International, Visa), debit cards (Visa/Delta, Visa/Electron), and cash payment.


The charge will be made in Euros and the exchange rate consultation tools are offered for informational purposes only.


Payment will be made directly to the transport operator in cash or card.

3. Changes

The information contained in the transfer receipt includes the reserved destination, the pick-up point and the address of the accommodation. Any change that affects this or other data must be communicated by email to info@mytaxisotogrande.com prior to the date of service provision, and will only be considered effective once verified with the transport operator and confirmed to the client. by email.


The client will assume the increase in the cost of the service due to a change in the reservation that is a consequence of his request or his responsibility.


Once the contract has been formalized, the client must notify our Customer Service of any error detected with a minimum of 48 hours in advance regarding the corresponding transfer service. Notifications received less than 48 hours in advance regarding the transfer service will entitle the company to cancel the contract without any penalty.

4. Cancellation by the customer

Any cancellation of the contract must be made in writing by fax or email addressed to our Customer Service department. Both separate transfer services and a complete reservation that includes more than one service can be canceled without any penalty.

5. Last minute reservations

Depending on the route and the time of year, our free sale period ranges from 0 to 48 hours (or more in a particular case) prior to the start of the transfer service. If the website indicates so, please CONTACT US BY EMAIL 24/7 so that we can check if there is availability for the type of transfer you request. Please note that our cancellation policy will apply regardless of the date and time the reservation was made.

6. Changes and cancellations by us

If the transport operator is forced to make any significant change in the conditions of the service, or to cancel the service, we will inform you as soon as possible.


In cases beyond our responsibility, we may find it necessary to cancel your reservation. This cancellation will cover all the obligations towards the client derived from said cancellation, without being the company or transport operator responsible for the expenses or inconvenience generated to the client by part of this cancellation (loss of flight, etc.). In any case, we will make the necessary efforts to find viable alternatives to any confirmed reservation that we must cancel.

7. Children's chairs

Local and national legislation may vary depending on the country in which the transfer is made. In any case, all our transport operators comply with current legislation. If you book a private transfer, we recommend that for safety reasons you use a booster or baby seat for passengers under 12 years of age or with a height of less than 135 cm. During the reservation process you will have the opportunity to reserve child seats or boosters in most destinations.


It is the responsibility of the reservation holder to check that the restraint system is compatible with the vehicle and that it is positioned correctly. The company will not be responsible for any incident derived from misuse or incorrect installation of the retention system.


If you wish to travel with your own baby seat or booster and you have booked a private transfer, you must notify us of this circumstance before starting the trip. We have to ensure that the vehicle used by the transport operator is compatible with the chair.

Child seats are installed free of charge, the client has to specify the age of the child, according to the standards and in accordance with the law. The client will be responsible, if the information about the child is insufficient or null.

8. Child rates

All children and babies, regardless of their age, will be taken into account to determine the capacity of the vehicle to be used, and therefore must be entered in the total number of passengers at the time of booking.

9. Wheelchairs and reservations for people with reduced mobility

Transfer services for people with reduced mobility must be requested through our Customer Service. We will do everything possible to meet your request, although we are not specialists in transporting passengers with reduced mobility. Passengers with reduced mobility must be able to access the vehicle independently or with the assistance of one of their companions. We can only accept collapsible wheelchairs. We regret that we cannot guarantee the type of vehicle that will be used in your transfer.

10. Travel insurance

We strongly recommend that you take out travel insurance that is suitable for your needs. Please read the contract carefully and print the documentation so that you can take it with you when you travel. Appropriate travel insurance will protect you against a number of risks that are beyond our control.

11. Our responsibility

In the case of breaching these conditions, we will be responsible only for those damages or losses that are a consequence attributable to our breach or our negligence, and at most for the total amount paid by you. We are not responsible for damages that are not directly attributable to us or those produced by accident, force majeure or that are caused by legal or administrative requirements.


We are not responsible for incidents that occur during the provision of the service, specifically illness, personal injury or death, unless they are a direct consequence of our negligence.


In addition, we will only be responsible for what our employees do or do not do while acting within the framework of their professional performance.


We are completely exempt from any responsibility in the event that the client directly contracts a service with the transport operator.


We cannot guarantee one hundred percent the accuracy of the contents of this website. The possibility that the page is affected by a computer virus cannot be ruled out. In any case, we will do everything on our part to rectify any error that is communicated to us in the shortest possible time. If, due to one of these errors, a reservation is made with an erroneous price or with a wrong promotion, we reserve the right to terminate the contract without the need to compensate the client, provided that these damages are caused by errors on the web which they do not fall within a range of responsibility that we have to assume.


The transport of luggage and other personal belongings are at your own risk and we will only be responsible for possible damages or losses in the event that they have been caused in a clear, evident and notorious manner by the entity’s personnel due to an attitude little diligent. This risk of damage or loss should be covered by taking out insurance by the client before the start of the trip.


In the event that our transport operators or collaborators, in the strict exercise of their services and/or responsibilities, adopt a negligent attitude and as this causes some series of damages, we will not be responsible.

12. Overwhelming force

We cannot be held responsible in the event that the fulfillment of our obligations or those of the transport operator is prevented or affected directly or indirectly by or as a result of an event of force majeure or any circumstance beyond our control, including, among others, cases such as extreme meteorological phenomena, natural disasters, terrorism, third-party accidents along the transfer itinerary, police controls, extraordinary traffic congestion or strikes.

13. Contact

Any contact related to possible changes in the reservation data must be requested via email or through the “Contact” section of our website.


In case of unavoidable modifications to the contract, we will inform you through an email sent to the address that has been provided to us at the time of making the reservation; The fact of sending this email will be considered as proof of receipt by the client. The same is valid for any other informative email that we send you. For this reason, it is of the utmost importance that you make sure that the email address provided is correct and that you check your inbox or email spam folder until the transfer service begins.


In the event that your arrival is delayed or diverted to a different airport, station or port, the Transport Operator will reschedule the Transfer Service and you will be picked up at the new arrival time subject to availability. In the event that there is no availability, the service will be cancelled. As far as these general conditions are concerned, we use the definition that IATA uses for the expression “flight delay”.


If for any reason you do not show up at the collection point within a reasonable period of time from the time indicated on the transfer receipt, the transport operator or our Customer Service will try to contact you through of the mobile phone number that you have provided to us.


If this communication is not possible because you have not provided us with a valid number at the time of booking, because you do not have coverage, because you have activated voice mail or because you do not answer the call, the service will not be provided, the operator transportation will be released from its obligation to provide the service.

14. Your responsibility

By formalizing this contract you implicitly declare that: You are of legal age and in full use of your mental faculties and that therefore you are capable of assuming the legal responsibilities that derive from this agreement. You are aware of the scope of the services that are the object of this contract, of the information referring to the company and of the content of these General Conditions. Likewise, he declares that the credit or debit cards he uses are his property and that they have sufficient funds to cover the amount of the service. You understand that you must notify us as soon as possible of any changes to the data you have provided to us.


The services will be provided in accordance with the information specified in the transfer receipt sent by email. It is your responsibility to provide complete and correct addresses for the pickup and destination points at the time of booking. Likewise, it is part of their responsibilities to print and review the accuracy of the transfer receipt. If the data contained in the voucher is incorrect, you should contact our Customer Service team immediately for rectification. During the reservation process, pay special attention to ensure that all mandatory fields, marked with an asterisk (*), have been filled in correctly. We are not responsible for reservations that are impossible to carry out and no refunds will be made for such reservations.


Only you are responsible for providing the necessary documentation for border crossing. We do not assume any responsibility and we refuse to incur additional costs caused by the non-provision of said documents or by non-compliance with customs, police, fiscal or administrative regulations of the countries to which access is sought. The proof of transfer is not a valid document to obtain an entry visa.


In the event that the company is forced to pay a deposit or a fine to the authorities of other countries as a result of the client not complying with the laws, regulations or other requirements of the countries in which it intends to enter or leave or that it intends to cross, the customer will bear all responsibility for reimbursing the company. We reserve the right to retain any amount that has been paid to us until the client demonstrates that he has reimbursed the amount corresponding to said fines, charges, etc.


We reserve the right and by accepting these conditions you authorize us to charge you in cash or charge your credit or debit card for damage to the vehicle (including, for example, a deep cleaning) or for objects that have disappeared from the vehicle.


We reserve the right not to accept further bookings from a client who has caused a major incident or incidents on a repeated basis.

15. Right of admission / user conduct

By formalizing this contract, you tacitly grant the company and the transport operator the right to deny service to any passenger who, according to the driver’s criteria, is under the influence of alcohol or drugs and to those whose conduct could be considered dangerous for the driver of the vehicle, for third parties or for themselves.


It is not allowed to carry alcoholic beverages in the vehicles of the transport operator for consumption during the trip. This prohibition also applies to narcotics.


Smoking is prohibited inside the vehicle and in its immediate vicinity.


Eating is not allowed inside the vehicle.

16. Complaints

If the service you receive from the transport operator does not meet your expectations, you must notify Customer Service immediately and, whenever possible, at the time the incident occurs. Complaints received after the transportation service has concluded and not reported to us during the course of the transportation may not be accepted as we have not been given the opportunity to assist or intervene in any way. You will find our detailed contact details on the transfer receipt.


Written complaints must be sent by email to info@mytaxisotogrande.com and reach us no later than 28 days after your return date.


If you want to tell us about any issue related to our online booking process or our Customer Service, please direct your complaint to the address: info@mytaxisotogrande.com.

17. Languages

Our web pages are available in multiple languages, and we are continuing to make efforts to add more languages in the future. Our Customer Service and email support are available in Spanish and English at all times. Whenever possible we try to help you in the language in which you made the reservation. We pay special attention to the quality of the translation of our websites and of these General Conditions, but in case of discrepancy, the Spanish version is the one that is considered valid.

18. Applicable law and jurisdiction

These General Conditions will be governed by current Spanish legislation.


The contract agreed between you and the company will be regulated in accordance with Spanish legislation.


If any of the stipulations contained in these conditions of use is declared illegal, void or declared inapplicable by judicial decision, the rest of the stipulations will continue in full force and effect.